MEM    Media for Cell Culture


EMEM (Minimum Essential Medium Eagle, MEM Eagle) represents a cell culture medium which was developed from BME (Basal Medium Eagle), suited for the propagation of a wide variety of cell lines. Cell growth is supported due to the addition of Sodium-pyruvate as well as Non-Essential Amino Acids (NEAA). This culture medium is recommended for  a diverse spectrum of adherent mammalian cell types.


Various formulations available with either Hank's or Earle's salts.


EMEM (Minimum Essential Medium Eagle) represents a cell culture medium which was developed from BME (Basal Medium Eagle), suited for the propagation of a wide variety of cell lines. Cell growth is supported due to the addition of Sodium-pyruvate as well as Non-Essential Amino Acids (NEAA). This culture medium is recommended for adherent cell types.

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