Estimated delivery dates are provided to customers via an email confirmation after your order has been placed. An email will be received from Laborimpex when product has been shipped and once received by the customer to ensure the order has been correctly processed and handled. Product shipping time may vary due to product availability and based upon shipping method available. For any concerns, please refer to your shipping information provided with estimated delivery date, confirmation of shipment or notification of delivery emails from Laborimpex. For further concerns contact Laborimpex customer service. Laborimpex works hard to ensure quality products are shipped and delivered within a timely manner. We appreciate your business and look forward to providing you with future orders.
With a minimum purchase of 300 euro or more at, shipping is no cost to you. This offer applies only to standard shipping in Belgium. Offer is not valid for products that require special transport conditions and they are classified as "Dangerous Goods".
Dangerous Goods include, but are not limited to, materials that are flammable, combustible, corrosive, reactive, oxidizing, toxic, radioactive, infectious, asphyxiating, elevated in temperature, or compressed, including aerosol cans. Dry ice is also included in this category.
At this time we are unable to ship all products we sell in Belgium to other countries. Laborimpex will provide shipping services to your country ony for certain products, following your accept of our price quotation and after the reception of your payment of our proforma invoice. For information on purchasing our products in other countries than Belgium please contact us by e-mail.
We hope you are satisfied with every Laborimpex purchase you make. We believe strongly in our products and their quality. If you are not pleased with your purchase, please contact us so that we can help you resolve the issue. If there is a question about product use one of our experts may be able to answer your concerns and resolve your problem.
We offer a money-back, satisfaction guarantee on all of our products provided that:
Please follow the 3 steps below to return items to Laborimpex: